
2021-06-14 11:30 Non-Regulatory

The Details of our Roadmap — R1 (In English)

We have the ambition to do what it takes to change the data storage space

I will take you back a few years, to when it all started, and to be able to show you where we are today, we need you to understand the core idea of the company and our journey to this day.

So how does it look from my point of view? What are the major issues we are seeing happen globally? At the moment you might be thinking that data breaches only affect large corporations around the world. But the truth is… You can never be sure. But that is not the direction we are taking today.

Of course, our goal is to prevent data breaches on a global scale. But our core fundamentals are that we want no one else to own your data. In other words, we want YOU to own YOUR data.


Now, let’s spin the record back!

In November 2019, the core team at the time attended Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal as an Alpha Startup. Web Summit at the time was and still is, the biggest tech conference in the world (for those who didn’t know that already).

During the conference, we spoke with a lot of interesting people, both from the tech scene and the venture capital market. Everyone told us that our ideas were great, and we had an amazing three days, leaving Portugal with great new contacts. However, no one understood our true goal or potential. We always got compared with Google, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft. We are nowhere close to their size or muscles. We are something much more special.

If you put Google and Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM next to each other, there is an amazing grey space between the giants. We fill that grey space. If you build a mountain that is so wide, there is always space on top for innovators. That is where we come into the picture.

One thing though (before I close the Web Summit chapter), that truly stood out, was the opportunity we got to watch, listen and learn from the man himself, Edward Snowden. We took his words to heart and kept on pushing!

Is this the image of JS Security you had?

Let’s dig even deeper

What we mean with the grey space between the giants, and the emptiness on top of the mountain is that we focus on the most important question; that you as a user, company, government, the non-profit organisation should ALWAYS own the information you create and the data left behind.

JS Security is not just any ordinary company that is here to secure data.

We want to lay the fundamentals in the nordic regions to create a secure path for everyone to keep information secure.

Lately, we launched our first roadmap as a public company.

All our roadmaps are overheads of a 6-month plan where we as detailed as possible align what we will be doing to give our investors a clear path forward for the company.

(If you have not read our roadmap you can do this here — https://mb.cision.com/Public/20433/3363156/99a69a12ffc333c3.pdf )

Since we started the company, we set out and bootstrapped our way forward with launching our very initial POC after months of research. The POC was actually never supposed to work the way it did.

Was it to build an API, Network, Portal etc?

We found out that we needed to prove to people that our idea worked on a technological level. The very first POC was very light (MVP). It was not stable but it did the job. It actually outperformed our expectations.

The concept at the time was simple 3 steps. Upload, distribute and download. Once the file was uploaded we generated a hash id and used this to keep track of things. A hash is a function that meets the encrypted demands needed to solve a blockchain computation. The same data will always produce the same hashed value and that is what we used to keep track of each file.

The next step in our POC was really the distribution part. That is where we found IPFS.

IPFS in our platform is used in the sharding and distributed parts of things on top of our own IPFS nodes. This gave us a way to actually see how many times our files got replicated or “sharded”. We called this feature “Inspect a file” and we used this to show our clients and investors how things actually worked.

This was the very first step to our next version that we later called Delta/NET.


After months of planning, and research, we came up with the idea to build private organisations and this is where Delta/Net was born.

Delta/NET — Was what we called the next big step for JS Security. We focused on private on-premises, hybrid and cloud solutions where we would build one application and then we would license this to companies where they could either have their own hardware, use a hybrid solution or resell servers through us. What we noticed with these solutions was that we went away from our core business model, to have data decentralised and distributed. But not only that, we noticed that there are huge costs to run the infrastructure we built for just one client.

What happened a few weeks later was that when having 10 clients/partners and each client needed its own blockchain, ipfs nodes, API gateways etc we saw that one client could have 12– 50 Virtual machines running. This took our DevOps teams weeks per client to set up and it was not viable and sustainable to work this way but like many companies, we focused, pushed and had come so far.

We needed a way out of this solution. We needed to innovate and rethink and not lose the path. And that is just what we did!

I sat down together with Bijay & Bibek, who were the core developers at that time, and said that we need to find a solution that lets us grow and that follows our vision.

We started looking back at the crypto/blockchain community. Did more research and looked at larger applications and services like Google, IBM, Azure to see what they commonly did.

I tend to refer back to Spotify back in the days, when they built a peer-2-peer-network and studied how they did things technically, but also kept looking for new ways and things that have not yet been done.

I focused on Sweden, and really looked into what the vision of our product could be and it was like a lightbulb switched on. We had come up with a solution.


“People should own their own data” — “No one should own anyone else’s information” How do we solve this?


Let us eliminate all the big cloud storage providers for a moment…

How do we build an infrastructure in Sweden that could solve the problem?

We could go to companies like Internet Vikings or Glesys. But that did not really solve the problem. We would still need to put the core trust in these companies.

I did more research instantly noticed that the strength in our long term product will be a peer-2-peer-network with a large twist.

Let the people of Sweden be the providers of storage, and let them get paid to do so.

At some point, a data centre would like to maximise the amount of free storage that is not being used so they can invest in more. Let companies with existing servers rent this out and in return, everyone validates each other and on top of this our own blockchain. This seemed like an interesting path, so more research is being done as we speak and is currently a part of our roadmap.

The POC Network — This is where we would test this ultimate idea and see how it would work where we will launch a beta test network with providers and actual people who can test the concept.

When all goes well we will be moving into a more production phase.


Partnership Sales & Traction

Partnerships are an important point in our roadmap and it might be a bit hard to understand at first.

Right now the importance of the company’s milestone is to gain partners, companies who would like to test our new product and reseller partners who already have a large base of customers who need our solutions.

With that said our Security-as-a-Service, previously called Delta/NET, is our main product and will continuously be sold to customers as the incredible product that it is, and still being further developed into. But, we do have a lot of things cooking and in the pipe as you’ve read above.



If you still haven’t read our roadmap, I suggest that you do. In that way, you’ll get full insights into the above text. We covered the starting of JS Security, our first POC that later became Delta/NET. How we needed to rethink, the research that was needed and where we are today with our product Security-as-a-service.

We hope you liked it, and we are looking forward to having you onboard, following our journey going forward!

Stay tuned.


Pierre Grönberg 

Founder & CTO