
Press Release 6 April 2022 08:07

Publicering av JS Securitys årsredovisning 2021

JS Security Technologies Group AB:s årsredovisning för räkenskapsåret 2021 finns från och med idag tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida investor.jssecurity.tech samt bifogad i detta pressmeddelande. Den tryckta årsredovisningen skickas ut via post till de aktieägare som har begärt det. Den kommer även att finnas tillgänglig på bolagets kontor.

Press Release 31 March 2022 08:17

Uppdaterad kallelse till årsstämma JS Security Technologies Group AB

Uppdateringen avser beskrivning av föreslagen ny ordinarie styrelseledamot, Pierre Grönberg och aktieägarnas rätt att begära upplysningar.

Press Release 30 March 2022 16:28

Kallelse till årsstämma JS Security Technologies Group AB

Aktieägarna i JS Security Technologies Group AB, org.nr. 559225-3123, kallas härmed till årsstämma den 28 april 2022 kl.10:00 i Convendums lokaler på Biblioteksgatan 29, 114 35 Stockholm. Aktieägare som vill delta i stämman ska dels vara upptagen i utskrift av aktieboken avseende förhållandena den 20 april 2022, dels anmäla sig till bolaget senast den 22 […]

News 14 March 2022 13:46


Dear shareholders and other stakeholders, Here is a new update from us at JS Security. JS Security announced last week that we are initiating the process of listing our crypto-token, "JSTX". The background to this is that JS Security sees a major upside in integrating JSTX as an incentive system for node operators, i.e. the […]

Press Release 11 March 2022 09:30

JS Security begins the process of listing its crypto token, “JSTX”

JS Security Technologies Group AB (“JS Security” or “the Company”) announces today that the Company will begin work on the market listing of its own JS Security token (“JSTX”), a so-called “Crypto token”. Initially, the work will include dialogue with possible marketplaces and review the legal aspects.

Press Release 24 February 2022 10:17

JS Security initiates integration of Security-as-a-Service underlying technology into Oracle Web Center Content with StoneBeach

JS Security Technologies Group AB (“JS Security” or “the Company”) announces today that JS Security, together with its wholly-owned subsidiary Stonebeach AB (“StoneBeach”), is initiating the integration of Security-as-a-Service underlying technology to Oracle Web Center Content.

Press Release 18 February 2022 08:47

JS Security’s founder, board members and shareholders extend their lockup agreements

JS Security Technologies Group AB (“JS Security” or “the Company”) announces today that the Company’s founder Christopher Ramstedt, acting CEO Pontus Wilgodt, board member Per Holmstedt and another major shareholder will extend their lockup agreements. The extension includes a total of 1,418,320 shares. The extension takes effect at the same time as the existing agreements expire.

Press Release 16 February 2022 13:32

JS Security enters into an agreement with the ‘’DeFI’’-company Capapult regarding Security-as-a-Service

JS Security Technologies AB (“JS Security” or “the Company”) enters today an commercial agreement with the “DeFI”-company Capapult, regarding the Company’s decentralized file storage platform Security-as-a-Service. The order value is initially a small amount, but both parties aim to increase the commitment during the year.

Press Release 26 January 2022 08:41

JS Security’s acquisition Stonebeach AB forecasts the full year 2021

Stonebeach AB (“StoneBeach” or “the Company”), which was recently acquired by JS Security Technologies Group AB’s (“JS Security”), announces today that the Company is beating its financial forecast for the full year 2021.