
News 15 June 2021 04:32

Vad är Decentraliserad Molnlagring?

Security-as-a-service är vår decentraliserade molnlagringslösning. Genom decentralisering är blir lagringsmiljön säkrare, snabbare och mer privat än centraliserade molntjänster.   Vad är decentraliserad molnlagring? I användarens ögon, fungerar det på exakt samma sätt som traditionella molnlagringsalternativ så som Google Drive, Dropbox eller OneDrive. Men istället för att dina filer lagras i ett stort datacenter som är sårbart […]

News 14 June 2021 11:31

The Details of our Roadmap — R1 (In English)

I will take you back a few years, to when it all started, and to be able to show you where we are today, we need you to understand the core idea of the company and our journey to this day.

So how does it look from my point of view? What are the major issues we are seeing happen globally? At the moment you might be thinking that data breaches only affect large corporations around the world. But the truth is… You can never be sure. But that is not the direction we are taking today.

News 14 June 2021 11:30

The Details of our Roadmap — R1 (In English)

I will take you back a few years, to when it all started, and to be able to show you where we are today, we need you to understand the core idea of the company and our journey to this day.

So how does it look from my point of view? What are the major issues we are seeing happen globally? At the moment you might be thinking that data breaches only affect large corporations around the world. But the truth is… You can never be sure. But that is not the direction we are taking today.

News 10 June 2021 20:19

Fyra missuppfattningar om decentraliserad lagring

Centraliserad molnlagring är enkelt förklarat: en mängd data som finns i massiva datacenter, som kontrolleras och drivs av en handfull teknikjättar med flera sårbara attackpunkter. De attackpunkter vi har identifierat är att det bl.a. används standardkryptering, uppladdningen sker på ett och samma ställe samt att ledande aktörer äger rättigheterna, samt i många fall även juridiskt […]

Press Release 10 June 2021 10:04

JS Security’s founder and CTO acquire shares

JS Security Technologies Group AB (“JS Security” or “the Company”) announces today that one of the Company’s founders & CTO, Pierre Grönberg, has acquired shares in the Company.

Press Release 10 June 2021 09:53

JS Securitys grundare och CTO förvärvar aktier

JS Security Technologies Group AB (‘’JS Security’’ eller ‘’Bolaget’’) meddelar idag att en av Bolagets grundare & CTO, Pierre Grönberg, har förvärvat aktier i Bolaget.

News 10 June 2021 09:07

Decentralized cloud storage and how it can be more secure than traditional cloud storage solutions

Our decentralized cloud storage Delta/NET or now a day known as Security-as-a-service, were built to ensure the data stored always remains private and secure. But how do we achieve this?    First of all, every file uploaded to the network is encrypted before it ever leaves your computer. In fact, end-to-end encryption is standard on […]

Press Release 8 June 2021 18:07

JS Security presents its 6-month-old development plan in accordance with previously communicated information

JS Security Technologies Group AB (” JS Security ” or ” the Company ”) presents its 6 months’ development plan, a so-called roadmap, linked to the previously communicated information about the next step in the Company’s direction towards creating national self-sufficient data storage system.

Press Release 8 June 2021 13:59

JS Security presenterar sin 6 månaders utvecklingsplan i enlighet med tidigare kommunicerad information

JS Security Technologies Group AB (‘’JS Security’’ eller ‘’Bolaget’’) presenterar sin 6 månaders utvecklingsplan, en s.k. roadmap, kopplat till den tidigare kommunicerade informationen kring nästa steg i Bolagets riktning mot att skapa ett nationellt självförsörjande datalagringssystem.